Contact Us

It is important to find a therapist that you will be able to connect with. We offer an introductory session of the usual 50 minutes to discuss what has brought you to us and to explore whether we can provide what you need. This session also gives an opportunity to ask general questions about psychotherapy, availability of sessions and fees. Fees are negotiable, taking into account income and responsibilities.

For further information or to arrange an initial consultation:

We aim to respond within 24 hours on weekdays, except during holiday periods.

Contact us:

Email Telephone
General enquiries  
Roselyn Abbott 07763 916 877
Joan Fogel 07887 545 703

Data Protection Regulations (Storing and Processing of Data) - May 2018

On the 25th May 2018, the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) came into effect. Like most other organisations, London Psychotherapy Group (LPG) is required to comply with it. However, LPG do not keep therapeutic or other records other than those strictly necessary to pass on requests and referrals to one of our therapists. If as a result of the LPG website you take up therapy with one of our therapists, they are responsible for holding and processing your data and, if and when necessary, contacting you. If you have any questions or concerns about this, you should discuss the matter with your therapist.

The information held about you, gathered in the course of your enquiry at the LPG web site, may include your name, address, telephone number, email address, and such other incidental comments that you offer. We encourage you not to provide any additional personal details in the web form, but to discuss these in person once contact with a therapist has been made. We do not keep copies of any emails, text messages etc but instead routinely delete these within one month of them being sent. We would like to assure you, that we will never give, sell or rent the data that we hold to other organisations to be used for their own business.

We take all necessary steps to protect your privacy; it is a matter that we take great care of. If you would like information about how LPG protects your privacy please ask for further details.

If you would like to change your details or have a copy of the information that LPG holds about you, please ask

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